Date: Aug, 26 2021 Aug, 28 2021
Update From The Event Organizers
Dear AGMers,
Here in Columbia, South Carolina, August 19th has been hot, low 90s and muggy. The forecast for the AGM is high 80s and perhaps an afternoon shower or thunderstorm. Overnight lows will be in the low 70s. We look forward to your arrival next week. Please, if you have particular dietary requests or requests for other accommodations, send email or call.
On Friday, our activities will be centered at Coventry Foundation’s open house and you will likely spend some time outdoors, so please plan to bring light and comfortable clothes. After a busy day at the open house, Friday’s Cannonball BBQ will be held at Palmetto Place, located next to Coventry Foundation. We are looking forward to a good meal and relaxing evening with Cannonballer Dave Yarborough.
On Saturday, our activities will be centered at the Marriott Columbia for the Annual General Meeting, afternoon workshops, cocktail hour and the evening dinner, speakers, and awards.
Our speakers on Saturday will be Bob Tullius and Mike Dale. They have decided they would enjoy a Q&A session. We’ll arm them both with microphone, a comfortable chair. Mike asked me to request that you send questions or subjects, in advance. Mike and Bob have said that they will take tough questions,if you have them. It has been twenty years since Mike retired as President of Jaguar North America. You may have noticed that Mike has contributed articles in recent Jaguar Journals, where he has written on subjects that he has not discussed publicly. So, we hope you will enjoy having Bob and Mike with us for the weekend, and as our speakers on Saturday. So please send email your questions!
There will be some adjustments to the afternoon workshops. Our long-time friend, Fred Hammond, will lead a workshop on what’s happening at Jaguar Land Rover at one of the afternoon workshops. One of our JSSC members, Mike Grosso, will lead a workshop on both a rare 1950s supercharger and rare Jaguar supercar under restoration in England. We will hold the workshop on social media, as previously announced. We will determine other Saturday afternoon workshops by the time you arrive.
I visited the Marriott this afternoon and all’s well at our host hotel. A national chamber of commerce conference was about to start, and our Governor was about to arrive to address the group. The Marriott has hosted conferences and other gathering during COVID, and its management and staff are experienced under conditions with which we are still living. Our activities are planned in a manner so that our group will mostly be self-contained. So, let’s all plan to enjoy good company and cheer. Please contact by email or voice with any questions.
Best Regards,
Rob Thuss
Jaguar Society of South Carolina
803 640-1000
Join us for the Jaguar Clubs of North America’s 2021 Annual General Meeting!
Join us for a fun, productive Annual General Meeting in Columbia. Late August highs average 90 degrees and overnight lows around 70. The Marriott Columbia is located on Main Street, which is lined with mature live oak trees that provide sidewalk shade and is just three blocks from the South Carolina capital.
On Saturday mornings until 1 p.m., Main Street is closed for the ‘Soda City Market,’ with an average of 150 local producer vendors. Main Street also has shopping, dining, and other attractions within walking distance.
Friday, August 27
Friday, starting at 10 a.m., Coventry Foundation will host an open house with activities, heavy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments throughout the afternoon. Frequent shuttles will be provided to Coventry Foundation from the Marriot. Several Jags, the factory tool collection, rare Jaguar literature, media, and collectibles, as well as the JCNA archives, will be on view. There will be a silent auction, and perhaps even a ‘garage sale’ of extras. With model cars supplied by the Foundation, a remote-controlled car slalom will be held and champions will be crowned! Attendees may drive their Jags to the Foundation, regardless of condition, for a ‘People’s Choice’ award (Note: Applications to display vehicles are closed due to lack of space).
Friday evening, Coventry Foundation is sponsoring a cash bar that will carry over to the ‘Cannonball Dinner’ where JSSC member and pitmaster Doug Mills will slow-cook BBQ along with traditional sides.
The speaker will be Dave Yarborough from Charleston, who, with David Heinz, won the 1979 Cannonball Run in an XJ-S. Dave was a Jaguar dealer throughout the 1970s. There’s talk of a movie, too!
Saturday, August 28
Saturday, the AGM will commence at 8 a.m. following the delegate breakfast. There will be a break for lunch and then an afternoon session. After the AGM, there will be two seminars from 3 to 4 p.m., and two from 4 to 5 p.m., covering Social Media, Insurance, Slalom and Membership. At 6 p.m., a cash bar cocktail hour will be opened, followed by a buffet banquet dinner, reminiscings by Mike Dale, OBE - retired President of Jaguar North America and Bob Tullius - legendary race car driver and founder of the Group 44 racing team, and JCNA annual awards.
Make your reservations here. The Group Rate is $135.00 per night and includes complimentary self-parking. The group rate is available from Tuesday, August 24th through Monday, August 30th and the last day to book at the Group Rate is August, 6th, 2021.
Other Things To Do
On Saturdays, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, the Soda City Market is held on Main Street, with over 150 local "producer-only" vendors.
Other activities include shopping, dining and attractions.
Thursday, August 26th
5:00 - 9:00 pm | Board of Director Coventry Foundation Tour & Dinner |
Friday, August 27th
7:00 - 8:00 am | BOD Breakfast at Marriott |
8:00 am - 3:00 pm | BOD Meeting at Marriott with Lunch at 12:00 pm |
9:30 am | Suttles from Marriott to Coventry Foundation & Return Shuttles Throughout Day |
10:00 am - 5:00 pm | Coventry Foundation Open House |
5:00 - 10:00 pm | Cannonball BBQ & Speaker Dave Yarborough at Coventry Foundation |
Saturday, August 28th
7:00 - 8:00 am | Breakfast for Registrants |
8:00 am - 3:00 pm | Annual General Meeting (and Registrant Lunch) |
3:00 - 4:00 pm | Social Media & TBD Workshops |
4:00 - 5:00 pm | JLR Operations & 50's Supercar & Super Charger Workshops |
6:00 pm | Cocktail Hour |
7:00 pm | Buffet Dinner, Speakers Mike Dale & Bob Tullius & JCNA Annual Awards |
Sunday, August 29th
8:00 - 10:00 am | BOD Meeting |
A-0 Agenda (v08172021) | NA | NA |
A-00 AGM Schedule (v07222021) | NA | NA |
A-1 Introduction | John Boswell & Rob Thuss | Verbal |
A-2 Introduction of JCNA Board of Directors | BoD | Yes |
A-3 Delegate Roll Call (v08232021) | Bob Matejek | Yes |
A-4 Administrative Instructions | J Boswell & B Matejek | Yes |
A-5 Approval of 08/22/20 Online AGM Minutes | Bob Matejek | Yes |
A-6 Old Business - 8/20 AGM Minutes Approval | Bob Matejek | Yes |
A-7 New Business | Included in Committee Reports | |
CR-1 President's Perspective | John Boswell | |
CR-2 JCNA-JLR Liaison Report | Barbara Grayson | Yes |
CR-3 JLR-JCNA Liaison Report | Fred Hammond | |
CR-4 Jaguar Archives Report | Fred Hammond | |
CR-5 Treasurers Report | Bill Sihler | Yes |
CR-6 JCNA Financial Status | Bill Beible | Yes |
CR-6A Planned JCNA Dues Increase $30 - $40 Eff 2022 | Bill Beible | No |
CR-7 Business Committee Report, Insurance | Bill Beible | Yes |
CR-8 Election Committee Report - Regional Directors & Executives | Gerry Ellison | Yes |
CR-9 Administrator Report | George Camp | Yes |
CR-10 Authenticity, Tool Loan Program, Tech Hot Line & Publications | George Camp | Yes |
CR-11 Coventry Foundation | George Camp | Verbal |
CR-12 Legal Counsel Report | Rob Thuss | |
CR-13A Membership Report | Mark Mayuga / Nedra Rummell | Yes |
CR-13B1 Club Locator Service Pg 1 | Nedra Rummell | Yes |
CR-13B2 Club Locator PTS | Nedra Rummell | Yes |
CR-14 IJF's & AGM's | TBD | Yes |
CR-14A IJF & AGM Calendar | TBD | Yes |
CR-14B 2021 IJF in Ft Myers, FL Oct 20-24 | Phil Mannino / Mark Mayuga | Yes |
CR-14B1 IJF Concours Judging | Craig Kerins | Verbal |
CR-14C 2022 AGM - Milwaukee, WI | TBD | Verbal |
CR-14D 2022 IJF in Dallas Oct 22 | JJ Keig / Dave McDowell | Yes |
CR-14E 2023 AGM in Bay Area, CA Mar 23 | Les Hamilton | |
CR-14F 2023 IJF in Santa Barbara, CA Oct 11 | Mark Mayuga | Yes |
CR-14G IJF Committee Report | Mark Mayuga | Yes |
CR-15 Concours | ||
CR-15A Concours Committee Report | Jim Sambold | Yes |
CR-15B Concours Rules Committee | Hal Kritzman | Yes |
CR-15C Concours Rule Book | H Kritzman & S Kennedy | Yes |
CR-15D Protest Committee | Knick Curtis | No |
CR-16 JNCA Bylaw revisions & Corrections | ||
CR-16A Article IV, Section 10 - Competition Rules Approval Process | Bill Beible | Yes |
CR-17 Rally Committee Report | John Corey | Yes |
CR-18 Slalom Committee Report | John Larson | Yes |
CR-19 Competition Awards Management | P DiTrolio & D McDowell | Yes |
CR-20 Special Awards Committee Report | Bob Matejek | Yes |
CR-21 JCNA Website Update | Jack Humphrey | Yes |
CR-22 2021 Event Roll-Up | Jack Humphrey | Yes |
CR-23 Publicity & Social Media | Les Hamilton | Yes |
CR-24 | ||
CR-24A Jaguar Journal Editor | Peter Crespin | Yes |
CR-24B Jaguar Journal Committee | Rob Thuss | Yes |
CR-24C Jaguar Journal & Website Advertising | Diane Dufour | Yes |
CR-24D Electronic Jaguar Journal | Les Hamilton | Yes |
CR-24E Jaguar Journal & USPS Delivery Issues | G Camp & R Thuss | No |
Misc - Open Floor Discussion | Delegates & Guests | No |
August 6th - Last day to register for the event & book at the Group Rate of $135.00 per night.
See Agenda Above
See Agenda Above
See Agenda Above
Rob Thuss at rrthuss@me.com