Need a night shirt for your petite wife?
The recent Challenge Championship in Indianapolis enabled many to purchase polo sport shirts for $20. Several shirts in L and XL remain. Anyone wishing to get another tan/beige shirt is welcome to visit eBay
and search on "Jaguar Challenge Championship Sport Shirt" to see if the listing is still valid. Otherwise, you may contact me directly. Price with shipping comes to about $14.
A few maroon clipboards (such as used by the judges) with the JCC logo on them are also available.
JCC posters (2' X 3') are also available.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 15:37
Submitted by on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 15:35
'07 Challenge Championship Memorabilia Available
The supply of JCC clipboards is down to ~8-9. Here's what they look like. There's a pocket inside the front cover for Judge's notes. That sleeve has slots for a business card and an envelope or postcard.
Price is $10 ppd.
Submitted by on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 15:28
'07 Challenge Championship Memorabilia Available
In response to those who have wondered about the other JCC shirts available, I am attaching a picture. Supply is limited to XL size. (My wife 'downsized' one for herself but isn't taking orders.)
We've got 4 Staff shirts and 11 Judge shirts - again, in XL only.
NC Regional Director
JCC Co-chair (Ret.)
Submitted by on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 20:52
'07 Challenge Championship Memorabilia Available
Ok. So we missed the chance to remind everyone before the holidays of the availability of JCC memorabilia... Now, just in time for Valentine's Day, we are reopening our 'lil shop for anyone wanting shirts like the one shown above, white ones embroidered with Judge or Staff under the logo, the special maroon clipboards used by the judges, and/or the orange JCC baseball caps.
The shirts are either Large or XL so contact me first. The Judge shirts are intended only for certified judges.
Some shirts were auctioned at a recent concours for $22 each. I'll hold the price at $14 incl shipping a while longer (meaning the shirt is actually under $10)!
A limited number of Clipboards are available at $10 plus shipping.
Posters are $1 ea with a minimum order of 10 plus shipping.
Contact me via with and for details.
P.S. The spoon is there for scale (and not part of the transaction)!