Does anyone know of a mechanic or engine programmer near the Brevard County FL area? Orlando would be about 60 miles away and not to far to travel. Looking to get a little more power out of the standard engine tune.

Submitted by on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 13:30
Submitted by smose2400@sbcg… on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 23:14
2007 XK Power Tuning
I am curious about your "engine programmer" comment. I have had my mechanic change spark plugs as needed and do thorough visual check. Should I have the Jaguar dealer, or other professional shop with proper gear, do a follow-up to check programming issues or does the car's computer do all that is needed?
1997 Jaguar XK8 Convertible
2001 Jaguar S Type 4.0
Submitted by dwcurtiss@virt… on Tue, 09/14/2010 - 19:04
2007 XK Power Tuning
Hi Art,
I think the 2007 XK came with exhaust routed over the rear axles; look at the stock machine formed curves and you'll visually see how rather crude the curves are formed. Have an exhaust shop create smoothed-out radius curved exhaust sections - it will improve the exhaust flow and should add a few beans to the engine.
Good Luck!
Edited on 2011-02-01 13:31:03
Art is referring to having the air/fuel tune changed. OEM tunes tend to be on the safe side, with custom tuning there is power to be gained. When changing out OEM parts for performance parts, a custom tune will net more power.