hello, new to forum. I'm looking for the copper colored gasket fitting the EGR adapter to the tubing. The parts illustrations show three gaskets with identical part numbers used on the assembly. My 94 4.0 has the later EGR adapter not illustrated in the parts breakdown. It's a flat gasket , oval in shape with two holes for the bolts and a slightly larger hole in the middle for the exhaust gases to return to the intake manifold. The gaskets(3) shown are part # EBC9067. This works on the EGR adapter to EGR, but not to the intake return tube. The part # on my XJS EGR adapter is EBC8352.
I hear and feel gases around this gasket, so I pulled off to see if the one from the parts list worked. It did not.
Anyone encountered this discrepancy and be willing to help track down a replacement gasket?
By the way, I've owned Gloria, that's her name,(from the Kinks song) for three months.
I've done the brake caliper rebuilds, new ABS accumulator, all filter and fluid changes.
Loving it!
She's a task master. BRG. 115k on the clock.

Submitted by billries1@me.com on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 21:48
I've found it!
EBC 10827. Excuse the long post and wacky picture