Can anyone tell me? The antenna (on right rear quarter) of my 1990 XJS seems to be missing (deteriorated) the grommet. Has anyone replaced this? How do you replace it, and where can I get a new one?
Thank you,
Mike Moore
1990 XJS Coupe
Tampa, Florida, USA

Submitted by mmoore@bstglobal.com on Sat, 01/13/2007 - 09:15
Submitted by mmoore@bstglobal.com on Sat, 01/13/2007 - 09:13
Hello Dwight, David and Others,
The antenna grommet arived... It looks like it is a top and bottom piece, but I have not tried to pull it apart and/or look at any manuals yet.
Does anyone have any suggestions and/or hints on how to remove the remains of the old grommet and install the new grommet?
Thank you in advance,
Mike Moore
1990 XJS Coupe
Tampa, Florida, USA
Submitted by jh3478@roadrun… on Fri, 01/05/2007 - 19:09
Submitted by edgarces@yahoo.com on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 22:41
My Cat - 91 XJS Convertible Classic Collection http://mirandajones.net
Hi Mike,
I've been meaning to post the same request. Need to replace mine too. (Thanks Dwight for the link)
Nice cat Mike. Saw the pictures in the gallery. Looks brand new!
Submitted by dwcurtiss@virt… on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 20:43
If you are new to owning a V12 XJ-S you should check out Kirby Palm's book; it is an absolute wealth of information (it tends to stress what can go wrong with an XJ-S) - better to be warned and take action rather that find out after the fact.
Here is the link to download the PDF:
2006 XJR
1990 XJ-S Conv
Submitted by mmoore@bstglobal.com on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 20:31
Thank you... for the JagBits suggestion... And the compliment on the XJ-S. I put some other pictures in the Gallery area as well. So far I have been very happy with it. It had 37,000 miles on it 2 months ago when I found it. I drove it from New Jersey to Florida, only stopping for gas and had no problems. To date, absolutely everything works on the her.
Mike Moore
1990 XJS Coupe
Tampa, Florida, USA
Submitted by dwcurtiss@virt… on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 20:13
Nice looking XJ-S!
Contact JagBits for part number DAC3588; ANTENNA GROMMET, FITS XJS FROM 1986 ON - $6.00 (probably about the cheapest part on a Jag!)
Dwight Curtiss
2006 XJR
1990 XJ-S Conv
Hello Dwight,
Thank you for the link to the book (pdf). It looks very helpful.
Mike Moore
1990 XJS Coupe
Tampa, Florida, USA