My 95 2+2 Convert has begun to just "Shut off" after sitting idling in traffic for 15-20 minutes. No warning lights, no rough idle, just turns itself off. Shift into park and it restarts without a problem. This occurs about 2-3 days out of five. The ambient temp has been in th upper 90's but it also occurs in the morning with temps in the 70's.
I have cleaned ALL of the air intake system up to the manifold and put a new hi flow air intake system on it. Usually, I have the AC running and I am in drive and the RPMs will be around 550-600. It will jump to 650 if I shift to neutral. If I turn OFF the AC there is no change in the RPMs. Shouldn't there be an increase in RPMs to maintain 700 (the factory spec) when I switch on the AC?. RPMS in a warmed up car without AC and in park is 650.
One more thing, I disconnected the hose from the air pump (and its electrical connection) to see if that would help and it hasn't. Do I really need this thing anyway?
Thanks for your help.