I was replacing the Master Cylinder and came upon this worrying frame corrosion. I have had this car for a short time.
I know I can replace the LH frame - but that's a very big job for me.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Has anyone figured out or used an alternative solution?

Submitted by SE57-14317J on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 20:21
Submitted by wmcwings@att.net on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 02:02
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 20:36
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Richard old is good if still on point. The factory service manual that warns against repair is some 50 years old and still on point! If you guys could check it out that would be wonderful!
Submitted by richard@my64et… on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 20:34
LH Frame Rail Corroded
George, It's quite an old article. It was on the Jaguar Enthusiasts' Club website. I'm not a member however. I can't imagine that it would be a problem to reprint it. I will check with Uryk and see if there would be any problem as far as he is concerned. The link to it is on the E-Type Fabs website http://www.etypefabs.com on the "About Us" page. Another good piece about the construction of the frames is here http://etypefabsus.com/spec.htm
Submitted by richard@my64et… on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 20:32
LH Frame Rail Corroded
George, It's quite an old article. It was on the Jaguar Enthusiasts' Club website. I'm not a member however. I can't imagine that it would be a problem to reprint it. I will check with Uryk and see if there would be any problem as far as he is concerned. The link to it is on the E-Type Fabs website http://www.etypefabs.com on the "About Us" page. Another good piece about the construction of the frames is here http://etypefabsus.com/spec.htm
Submitted by NE40-48370 on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 20:25
Re.: LH Frame Rail Corroded
I know Graham and Fiona. In fact he provided a few of the 'horror' pics for the 6cyl E-type Buyer's Guide. I will ask him about reproducing it in JJ.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 20:18
Re.: LH Frame Rail Corroded
Edited on 2012-09-05 20:19:09
Richard great article--I had not seen that before! Perhaps that should be submitted to the JJ for publication.
Submitted by richard@my64et… on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 20:04
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Raj, Charles... here is a good article about the frames.
Submitted by wmcwings@att.net on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 19:41
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Not to hijack Raj's post but you mentioned that the rail assemblies were brazed, not welded. Why was this done? Did it have anything to do with the heat involved or the lack of welding technology back in the day? Are the new assemblies welded or brazed?
Just curious...Thank you.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 16:47
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Raj I speak straight and plain---I answer way too many questions a day to do otherwise. When you asked I responded there are NO ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS--you must replace the frame. That is not my opinion it is fact--Jaguar knew that 60 years ago and countless folks have discovered over the decades they knew what they were saying. When I said that you resopnded with "what about welding". Sorry but no alternatives means just that in my world--no alternatives.
That aside I would forget about that LH rail--it is finished! Carefully inspect the RH rail and if it is not perfect count on replacing both. As far as the tray and tube I have suggested to you on another post that you might consider a parts manual. The battery in that car rides (when correct) in a plastic tray (orig was Bakelite) with a drain tube. Any battery boil over or water washing acid deposits go into the tray and down the drain tube. When not there they do the damage seen in the pic you posted.
As far as another opinion on the rail issue Raj I sincerely hope you do not get another--and if you do I hope you ignore it. This is a well known issue and there have been countless accidents and 2 lawsuits I know of over it. If repair were possible there would be a service for it--instead we are fortunate that new ones may be obtained.
Submitted by NE26-62240 on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 16:12
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Thank you George, William & Charles.
George, I appreciate your prompt responses and sound guidance. I also appreciate that you have provided me with guidance by phone and recommended various books that I have since purchased from the JCNA Shoppe.
While your advise on the frame replacement is sound, I am surprised that you found my second query to the forum membership to be an "argument" against your advise.
You may well be the authority in this forum, but asking for another opinion is by no means an argument against your suggestion.
I thought that the reason we us a forum as a platform for communication is so that we can solicit input from more than one person and perhaps someone has another viable solution.
Based on your assessment and sound judgement, I will in fact replace the LH Frame Rail.
Can you also clarify what you meant by - "is new but also without a tray or drain tube."
George - thank you for your help and I hope your don't take my feedback above in the wrong way.
Submitted by wmcwings@att.net on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 11:55
LH Frame Rail Corroded
You have to realize that the entire front of the car rests on and is supported by that frame. Everything from the engine, suspension, and brakes depends on the strength of the frame. If you can't afford to replace the frame, park the car until you can.
In the long run you won't be sorry.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 07:43
LH Frame Rail Corroded
William thanks for your comment but I will place my emphasis on SAFETY this time. I want Raj to understand just how dangerous this situation can be. Just from the picture it can be seen that the rail has pulled away from the body on that side making the car's geometry compromised--now imagine a panic stop or manuever with it.
Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 23:13
LH Frame Rail Corroded
After the "TIM" experience" perhaps we should all be a litle more polite in offering advise. There are many members here who have no practical forte, they should not be discouraged. The rule should be, if you are not going to say something good, SAY NOTHING!
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 22:44
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Raj one more thing--that is not "worrying corrosion". That is seriously dangerous rust in an E-Type. Any attempt to enjoy the car at 50% of its capability could end in disaster for you, your passengers, the car, and other motorist. With that leg gone the others might fail and it would be in a fast and uncontrolable mode. Not sure who sold you the car but they knew about the issue when they replaced the battery tray. It was rusted away and the one in the pic. is new but also without a tray or drain tube.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 22:38
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Raj you can not weld! i am not sure why you ask for advice if you only want to argue. Jaguar and 50 years of experience with all sorts of folks have proven what was stated in the original service manual "NO ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO REPAIR THE FRAMES". They were not trying to sell frames but reflect the real issue. If the frame is that rusted what are you welding to? That type of tubing is brazed not welded. Raj once more---THERE IS NO SAFE ALTERNATIVE OTHER THAN REPLACEMENT>
Submitted by NE26-62240 on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 21:40
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 13:36
LH Frame Rail Corroded
Raj there is no alternate solution--you must replace the frame rail. Sorry to see that but it happens when the battery tray and drain tube are left off!
Hi Raj,
With that much corrosion I would expect to find other tubes in poor shape. When my frame rails stripped I had several tubes with pin holes. I just replaced them. The frame rails carry the engine and most of the torque from the front suspension.
Hope this helps