I would like to join JCNA, I live in San Luis Obispo, CA. I see there is a club in Los Angeles and San Francisco, each city is almost the same distance from here, roughly 230 miles. Does it make a difference / or do I have to join the one closest to me?
For your viewing pleasure I have attached a picture of my baby.
1998 XJR
BRG / OAT 33k

Submitted by karl.lepper@tt… on Wed, 07/06/2005 - 19:15
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 07/06/2005 - 17:01
Looking to join JCNA
J. Karl you can join any club that you please (in any state or Canada or Mexico) You can join both clubs near you or join all clubs in JCNA. You might check out the benefits of joing as a member at large. Good luck. George Camp
Thank You so much for your response, The member at large appears to be a good idea. I am a member of the Mercedes Car Club with that I do get a discount at most Mercedes dealers on goods and services about 10-15%. Do Jaguar dealers offer the same?
1998 XJR
BRG / OAT 33k