Well, there goes the neighborhood. I've just purchased my first Jaguar, a 1997 XK8. I'm a "poor man" collector of cars and currently own a 1958 Austin-Healey 100-6, 1983 Porsche 928 and a 1952 Hudson Hornet(in pieces). Hope to meet many of you in the future.

Submitted by mortoncjc@mind… on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 16:41
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 13:45
New guy on the block...
Tal welcome--please check out the shoppe for publications and books on your car-a lot more will be available in the near future so sign up for shoppe notification.
Welcome aboard. Looks like a beautiful car, and you live amongst a great club area.
Now, you must be sure that your V8 engine, being one of the early ones, has had its camshaft timing chain tensioners replaced. This is very important, and could be well worth your time to explore. There is an explanatory article at our club web site within jcna.com, Carolina Jaguar Club.