Well Jaguar NA has once again blessed JCNA with a large shipment of materials redundant to their needs. There are several new large format internal Jaguar publications that this writer had not seen before. These will be much more rare than the E 50 books! We have offered them at a reasonable price but there are not many of them. Tell you what--as long as supplies last each order over $25 (w/o shipping cost) will receive a XJ12 press kit and any order over $50 will get a formula one press kit for free. Guys you need to tale a look at some of this stuff if you have one of these models or if you collect literature. All I could say on some of it was ---WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I esp. liked some of the historical pictures included. Tell your members to check it out and remember if you are signed up for shoppe news you will be alerted first!!!!!

Submitted by artrageus@shaw.ca on Sun, 04/27/2014 - 22:37
any xj220 items ?? best wishes Godfrey