JCNA has received a few calls on technical information on the Hess and Eisenhardt XJ-S. Without the proper shop and parts manual it is very difficult to determine the cause of faults as the factory shop and parts manuals do not address these rare cats. The shoppe is happy to be able to offer the Hess and Eisenhardt manual to members but with the additional bonus of a copy of all of the technical service bulletins and recall information. If you have one of these wonderful cars you will need this manual. Why pay a shop for time to search out an issue when the manual can lead them directly to a source of a problem and then instruct them how to fix it. Think of it this way--does your shop work for the price of the manual--possibly for 1/2 hour. Available now! (order B-Hess in either the parts or service section).
Also please tell your JCNA friends that to be included in new item alerts they must sign up to this forum. Thanks and look for a HUGE announcement soon on a truck load of rare finds.