I have just been reliably informed that esteemed JCNA past president Mr. Gary "pokey" Hagopian will be attending the 2006 Fall Classic event at the beautiful Mont Tremblant circuit in Quebec, Canada. This event is hosted by VRG and VARAC and takes place on September 22nd-24th. The track is absolutely beautiful (yes, nicer than Lime Rock).
Now, there was a racing "wager" left over from last fall. Something about Gary's Silver Bullet E-type versus Daniel's baby blue Mini at Lime Rock. Best lap time wins. Unfortunately, the nice people at Lime Rock would not let the Mini run there (scared, no doubt).
In the interim, Mr. Hagopian was read the handwriting on the wall and ahs mothballed his Silver Bullet in favor of a new "cheater" E-type with what is rumored to be all sorts of illegal adornments. And apparently it is red, which everybody knows adds HP.
So... even though Mont Tremblant is a "power" track and favors horsepower over handling and driver skill... Mr. Daniel Thompson will extend the wager to the Fall Classic event at Mont Tremblant:
If we are on the track together, then it will be an outright dogfight to the flag. If we are not in the same race group, then fastest time of the weekend wins.
One-hundred good old USA greenbacks to the winner!
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 15:08
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 14:00
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
Unfortunately it will never happen. I sold the Mini to a guy in California so I'm out. And besides, Gary is like... 85 years old now?
Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 12:54
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
So here we are in 2009, where is the update to this verbal duel, was this the end , or have you both quit..........by the way the E Type looks very low and not very slow....... . Art
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 21:40
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
After a two year wait.... it ain't gonna happen.
I just got back from Watkins Glen (great event, hundreds of vintage cars including all the fastest E-types in North America) where unfortunately the Mini coughed up a camshaft in the worst possible way. Fortunately I think I caught it before the rest of the motor was toast, but there is a lot of metal in the pan...
I will not have time to fix this before the Mont Tremblant event in ten days. I will be there in my capcity as organizer but the car will not. The bet will have to wait until 2007, perhaps at Watkins Glen in September?
I look forward to seeing Gary at the Tremblant event and cheering him on.
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Fri, 08/04/2006 - 08:54
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
The picture of your car in action was posted on the website of a VRG member who was present at the NHIS event.
Note that Maryo beat Tivvy, Tivvy beat Gary, and Daniel has beaten Maryo....
This is gonna be good.
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by ghagopian@jcna.com on Fri, 08/04/2006 - 07:59
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
The story should be up in a day or two. I just sent it to Pascal a couple days ago.
Mario had valve train trouble at Beave Run. Had his crew disassemble head and free up valves that were sticking in the guides. They tore it down overnight, and repaired the valves & broken springs, and he beat Tivvy in Sunday's feature race! Nice to have "resources"! You're right! He's a fine driver, and did give you credit for some pretty fair driving, considering the car you're driving!
You still didn't answer my question as to where you got my picture! I wanna know who you sent out to do the spying!
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 13:53
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
I have not found your story on the PVGP on the website. Where is it hiding?
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 13:35
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
Maryo Lamothe is a nice guy, and a very good Mini driver. He got the better of me at Mosport this year as I had valve train problems. The reverse was true last year, however, as I smoked him at Mosport and at Tremblant...
See you at Tremblant in September, this is gonna be good!
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by ghagopian@jcna.com on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 13:27
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
You're right. I was at BeaveRun couple weeks ago.
You're wrong however, about the Crosley Hot-Shots. They run with the Mini "watch-a-call-its"!
My troubles there were caused by tire damage from running over debris on track. Sliced the tire tread. I plugged it (not suggested for racing) because I had no spare. Plugs pulled out twice, from the sliding action. Very hard to steer when a tire goes down!
By the wayw,Where'd ya get my picture?
I asked Mario Lamothe if he could "stay with Daniel Thompson"! He laughed! Said you blew your motor trying to catch him at Mosport. That true?
Check out my story on jcna.com, about the PVGP, where I did some better. Had Tivvy on the ropes for a while, but he got away.
Can't wait to get up to Tremblant! Wish I could get up there for a little practice first!
See you in 6 weeks!
Submitted by ken_cantor@hot… on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 19:47
Re.: Racing Wagers Revisited!
Edited on 2006-07-29 21:14:40
To paraphrase one of the available networks north of the 49th parallel, this would be 3 minutes and 38 seconds of "time well wasted" for anyone who cuts and pastes your link and watches the video.
Thanks for posting it.
Kenneth L. Cantor
1992 Series III V12 VDP (No. 24 of 100)
ex 1987 Series III V12 VDP
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 16:04
Racing Wagers Revisited!
The Mini Cooper in action:
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Fri, 07/14/2006 - 16:53
Racing Wagers Revisited!
Rumor has it that the cheatin' dog E-type was at BeaveRun last weekend.
Apparently had trouble outrunning Crosley Hot Shots and Singer sewing machines...
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by ken_cantor@hot… on Thu, 05/25/2006 - 14:48
Racing Wagers Revisited!
Nice photo - should easily qualify for "second blood" on the assumption your "good authority" is reliable insofar as his spying on secret testing sessions. Wish I could attend the next round.
Kenneth L. Cantor
1992 Series III V12 VDP (No. 24 of 100)
ex 1987 Series III V12 VDP
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Thu, 05/25/2006 - 09:14
Racing Wagers Revisited!
I have it on good authority that this is a photo of the "cheatin' dog red E-type" in secret testing sessions last weekend.
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Tue, 04/11/2006 - 12:21
Racing Wagers Revisited!
Not surprisingly, we have not seen pictures of the "cheater" E-type. I hear its pretty ugly: giant wings, huge fender flares, wide slick tires, American V-8 engine, big "VIAGRA" logo on the side etc. etc. etc.
Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal
Submitted by ken_cantor@hot… on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 19:01
Racing Wagers Revisited!
As an impartial :) observer to this obviously passionate rivalry, I would have to give "first blood" in this battle to Daniel for posting the picture and look forward to seeing "second blood" at your convenience Gary.
Kenneth L. Cantor
ex 1987 Series III VDP
ps. a link would work as well as a posted picture :)
Submitted by ghagopian@jcna.com on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 17:54
Racing Wagers Revisited!
In the words of the inimitable George Bush: Bring it on!!!
A few words of explanation seem to be in order however. Retirement of the "Silver Hammer" in favor of the "Red Rocket" was dictated by the VRG who, after seeing how fast was the Silver Hammer, declined its approval, and made me come back with a more sedate performer. Hence, the Red Rocket!
After blowing the engine at Pocono trying to coax it to speeds commensurate with those of the Silver Hammer, it now has a new engine specifically built by me, to run-down cute little wanna-bees like Mr Thompson's "Mini-watch-a call-it". VRG on April 15th will be its first test.
So, depending on "racer's luck", position on the grid, etc., etc., the Jaguar's superior design, coupled with its driver's more skillful driving, should bring about the expected result.
Not being one to gloat, I will say that should the Red Rocket prevail, (on the Challenger's home track, I hasten to add) Mr. & Mrs "Pokey" will be happy to use our $115.00 Canadian, to take Mr. & Mrs. "Wanna-be" out for a fine dinner!
Hey! We might even turn this into a "series" if you'd come to Beave Run in July! How about it???
Gary "Pokey" Hagopian
Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 12:33
I run against a Vauxhaul 2.0 litre Rally engined tube frame Mini in the solosprint Series out here................. Being myself 4,000 lbs with my S I normally have no chance whatsoever. I did however finish 2nd fastest in the pouring rain to the Mini , my tyres being amazingly good considering they are about 5 yrs old now, but have seen little use, they are the Goodyear big V grooved babies about a foot wide. I look forward to my new, one of the later V12s out of a sedan,this will be almost as big as Jaguar ever raced, 6.8 L.
The E Types out here are about on par with the full race mini, so I am a ways back to these guy's normally, but with the new engine I am sure the gap will lessen......my new slicks for this year have arrived , Dunlop's this time, but with a much smaller diameter than last time. The ready to go Jerico 4 spd is another upgrade I did last year.should be quick on the straightaways I hope..