Edited on 2010-05-05 0:01:16
Edited on 2010-05-05 0:00:03
My 1990 XJS has the original 6.5J x 15' lattice "Sportspack" wheels and original Pirelli P600s. However, driving on 20 year old tires was not that much fun. I found a very elusive NOS set of 7J x 16' lattice wheels (Part number MHB6115AA) that were optional for the XJS, though not commonly seen. I looked at the wheels and tires section of the Concours rules and only saw the 15" lattice wheels and Pirelli P600 listed, not the 16" lattice wheel option. I suppose this is because the 6.5J x 15 "Sportspack" lattice wheel was standard equipment from the factory.
I noted in the rules and elsewhere that the entrant would have the burden of proving that questionable items (such as the wheels) were offered as optional equipment, or be listed in the "Jaguar spare parts catalog".
I found the two XJS lattice wheels referenced together in the SNG Barratt Jaguar XJS Parts Catalogue online on page 39 (item #20) of the PDF; both styles of which match the part numbers on both sets of my wheels. The illustrations of the two wheels are on the two preceding pages, but from the illustrations, you cannot tell them apart easily. However, the 16" wheels - aside from being a 1/2 inch wider and inch larger - are finished a bit differently and look much nicer. The inner hub and outer rim are polished aluminum and the webbing is painted a lighter shade of greyish white, with black paint dabbed on the innermost web wells nearest the center hub.
Since I do not have an accessory book that shows these particular wheels as optional equipment for my car, is this Jaguar spare parts reference catalog used by the judges available for review somewhere?
This is a photo of the optional 16" lattice wheel I am referring to. (I wanted to also show my originals for comparison, but I seem to only be able to upload one photo...)

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 17:13
Submitted by GallantCSC@aol.com on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 15:52
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
I would've if I could've found a reference number on the first page, but there isn't one.
It just says: Jaguar Parts Catalogue Jaguar XJS from (v) 179737
However, hand written below that is: RTC9910/FG
On the manual binder it says: XJS Range 1992 M.Y. VIN 179737 Onwards
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 15:14
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Steve good job but in the future it might help to quote the catalog number as there are several.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 14:40
Submitted by GallantCSC@aol.com on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 17:14
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Wheel MHB6115AA is listed and illustrated in the Jaguar Parts Manual on D16 Fiche 2 and denoted as optional USA.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 16:38
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Thanks for the heads up on Appendix E, George. I did not see the optional 16" lattice wheels listed (I will look again), but I did see some interesting information. For example, I never knew that XJSs had a sunroof option. Very cool!
I will keep looking for documentation of the optional lattice wheels.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 07:09
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
For what it is worth Appendix E and a few other broken links were fixed last night! Kent you might want to look.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 18:22
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Thanks for the rating clarification on the P600, Stevo. I misread the TireRack info, but checked my spare and it is a VR (I also discovered it needs air!). I knew the speed rating was a difference, but I also thought it had to with sidewall stiffness, as well; e.g. the lower the rating, the softer the sidewall (for pre- W and Y ratings, anyway). All I know for sure is that I will not be anywhere near maxing out the speed rating of any tire above an H rating. For me, road noise and handling are my primary concerns.
Submitted by GallantCSC@aol.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 18:01
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
P600s were never R rated (which is a rating for light truck tires good to 106 mph). They were V rated tires good to 149mph continuous. Z -rated tires were claimed to be good for greater than 149 mph (whatever that means).
Since the advent of the additional rating categories W and Y, new P600s are now rated as a W tire good to 168 mph continuous.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 17:44
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Interesting information about the two different tire sizes front to rear on the XJRS.
As for R rated tires, I totally agree. I think the P600s (an R-rated tire) were put on the car originally to provide better/softer ride performance. However, I am happy to compromise a bit of ride comfort of a softer-walled R rated tire in favor of more spirited handling of the stiffer sidewalled Z-rated tires. I'm glad to read that the judges do not consider the tire type; just proper size.
Submitted by cwcstretch@com… on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 17:00
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Remember that not only should you be concerned about the match for judging, but be careful when going up in size that you look at the clearence in the wheel well. Sometimes the springs sag and you can rub the sides of the upper well.
Also on the XJRS the fronts are 22550ZR 16 and the backs are 24555ZR16. I found that the R rated tire does not handle as well as the Z rated. There is a noticeable difference even at normal speeds.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:41
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Thanks for the info, George. I was thinking about the mis-matched spare situation and wondered if all 5 wheels/tires had to match. The 16" wheels are only sold in sets of 4, and from what I was told, there were only two NOS sets left from this supplier in the UK. When I received my set of 4, upon very close inspection, I noticed a factory paint flaw in one of the wheels (the paint did not fully cover a small area and the polished wheel finish showed through the clear coat). I called my guy and told him about the flaw. After some back-and-forth between my guy and the UK supplier, they agreed to sell me one extra NOS wheel to make up for the flawed wheel. Fortunately, by a sheer twist of fate I got one extra wheel, so I will use that one as the spare.
Submitted by GallantCSC@aol.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:41
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
The proper tire size is 225/55-16, or optionally 225/60-16.
225/50-16 is much too short. It is 1.25 inches SHORTER (not taller) than the OEM Pirelli P600 235/60-15 that came with the car.
The 225/55 is about 9mm shorter and the 225/60 is about 13mm taller. Either are acceptable since both sizes were fitted to XJS's with16- inch wheels. Personally, I'd go with the 225/55.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:25
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Kent at this point it looks like the only hit you might take is if the spare does not match. Perhaps you might want to look at the judging guide --you will see brand is not important--size etc. is as well as a matching set.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:13
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
George, thanks for your efforts!
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:10
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Okay, I'm a bonehead. I just dug out my receipt for the tires and the receipt says 225/55-16. I went out and compared it against the tire sidewalls and sure enough, 225/55. Apparently, I jotted down the wrong tire size or mis-typed. At $235.00 each (on the rim), that would have been a costly error! However, they are Michelin Pilot Sports, not Pirelli. I will take the hit on judging by them not being the "proper" brand, but I was so impressed with the handling of the Pilots on my XJR, I had to have them on my XJS - purely for driving enjoyment!
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 15:01
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Kent if you might wait a bit I have already written and rec. a reply from the Chairman of the JCRC and the rule book editor. They are asking Jaguar what they recomended when the optional wheels were fitted. As far as Appendix E (for your use if you need it at shows) is currently off line but the President of JCNA says it will hopefully be fixed tonight. Further I will write the author of the XJS judging guide and ask if he will consider updating with the optional wheels. Other than that sir do not think I can help!
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 14:44
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Thanks, Stevo. Good grief - the tire shop really gave me some incorrect information. An inch and a half shorter?? Wow!! I guess I never put them together back-to-back to double check before dropping over $800 for the set of tires I went with... (sigh...)
I suppose if I wanted to avoid any wheel/tire controversy, I could put the originals back on for a show. (But I really like the look of the 16 inchers!)
Submitted by GallantCSC@aol.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 14:13
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
The proper tire size is 225/55-16, or optionally 225/60-16.
225/50-16 is much too short. It is 1.25 inches SHORTER (not taller) than the OEM Pirelli P600 235/60-15 that came with the car.
The 225/55 is about 9mm shorter and the 225/60 is about 13mm taller. Either are acceptable since both sizes were fitted to XJS's with16- inch wheels. Personally, I'd go with the 225/55.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 11:04
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Thanks for the info and links, Doug and George! Yes, I feel very lucky to have found 5 of these wheels still in their original Jaguar boxes and shrink-wrapped packaging. They came from the UK and really look phenomenal on the car compared to the originals. As for tire size, I did not have an official reference. I posted a question on a Jaguar forum and I also interrogated the tire shop about the proper size, as I did not want a taller or shorter tire than the original Pirellis. The results of my queries came up with was 225/50ZR16. It is about 1/4 to 3/8 inch taller than the 15" Pirellis. That was the closest I could come.
I would really like to show the car, but I cannot seem to wade through the threads and comments about trailering to any definitive conclusion. If, as I read in the concours rules, only cars that are 35 years old or older are permitted to be trailered, sadly, I will not be showing my car. In the past few years, I have had the windshields on my truck and XJR replaced due to rocks, gravel, and a house key (yes, house key) induced cracks, only to be chipped up again while driving on Florida highways. The front ends are pock-marked and chipped up, as well. It is incomprehensible to me that a car as well-preserved and cared for as my XJS should have to be subjected to the perils of the permanently-under-construction Florida highways, only to further add insult to injury by receiving negative marks for damage incurred while driving to the event.
I guess it's better not to re-open that can of worms here. Suffice it to say, I will have to do some more investigating because I would really like to go to the Lakeland event on May 15.
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 09:07
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
This topic does bring up an additional issue.
If the up-sized wheel is allowed under the rules, being that it's a genuine Jaguar accessory, where does that leave the owner (and the JCNA judge) with respect to allowable *tire size* ??
Perhaps there is something in Appendix E showing a Jaguar approved tire size to go along with the wheel?
If not, it might be a problem.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 08:25
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 07:55
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
I "know" the 16x8 wheel in the sense that I looked high and low for a set when I owned an XJS :-). Since then I've heard of one set for sale...for something like $2400
I *think* some of the XJ40 V12s came with the 16x8 lattice/sport wheel but have never been able to confirm it.
Appendix E doesn't open when clicked, by the way...not for me, at least.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 07:37
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Kent, Doug has found the brochure on JL but if you are serious about showing and want to eliminate any doubt refer the judges with questions to Appendix E of the JCNA gudging rules (they are required to have a copy on the show field). In E they will find referrence to "Jaguar master USA parts listings for accessories (JAG 8050/00)page 35. In that it confirms what Doug said and should ease their concerns. You might also look for a copy of JLM 3576 USA which is one of Jaguar's slick pull out books that slide all the wheel options into a window under the various models. In any case nice find! Oh wait there is also another pull out JMM 2740 USA that lists the wheels you have--hummmm it also lists a 16x8 sports wheel MMB 6115AA --Doug do you know that one?
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 01:56
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Edited on 2010-05-05 1:59:00
Edited on 2010-05-05 1:57:33
Here ya go...this may help. It's a (rather poor) scan of a Jaguar wheel brochure showing the MHB6115AA as approved fitment on the XJS.
http://www.jag-lovers.org/lumps/faqs/wheels/wheels.htm (or click below)
(scroll down a few pages for the brochure)
Print out the pages. If it was me judging your car I'd accept it as satisfactory evidence even though it isn't the actual brochure. Other opinions may vary.
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 01:55
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Here ya go...this may help. It's a (rather poor) scan of a Jaguar wheel brochure showing the MHB6115AA as approved fitment on the XJS.
Print out the pages. If it was me judging your car I'd accept it as satisfactory evidence even though it isn't the actual brochure. Other opinions may vary.
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 01:47
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
Lucky you finding those wheels !
My XJS part catalog doesn't list the accessory wheels....just the original replacements. No help there.
I'll do some digging. I'm sure I've seen a Jag wheels brochure somewhere on the 'net.
Submitted by leftlanesi@yahoo.com on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 00:09
Re.: 1990 XJS Wheels for Judging
The quality is not that great, but in this photo, the 16' wheel is on the front and the original 15" wheel is on the rear for comparison. While the 16" is decidedly more appealing than the monotone gray 15", I want to see if I can find documentation of its authenticity that would be acceptable for judging.
Steve not sure why it is not on your cover (is it original?) but that seems to be a bad number--I have /FE as correct but could have an earlier copy--however it is printed on the cover LOL!