Edited on 2014-09-22 9:58:26
May of this year I asked on the XJS thread if anyone had a part I needed in order to repair a locking mechanism for my convertible top. No response was sent, so I started THE search. I spoke to all the advertisers on our home page without success. My need was a broken pin that connects the handle to the locking device, and when I described the part, no one told me that it could not be purchased by itself. I contacted Jaguar in England, but to no avail, and then I contacted a wrecking yard outside of LA, that advertised it was parting out an XJS convt, but after two phone conversations and several email inquiries, no answer was received, which was upsetting, as the folks there told me each time I would get an answer. NOW to my title; while reading the tabs on the JCNA home page, the word "classifieds" is prominent, so I clicked on, and read the "parts wanted" and put my need there. Within TWO, count them, TWO days, I was contacted by Mr. Scott Hepburn of the Phoenix,AZ club, telling me that he had what I needed, and was I still looking. I contacted him and he told me of his affiliation with his club, the cars he owns, and from where the part I need comes from, his sons car. We agreed upon a price, used Paypal for the transfer, and in two days, the part was in NC, AND Scott sent instructions on the "HOW TO". So, May to early Sept. nothing, two days on our site, and within a week, the problem was solved. So, Start here before going there!! Ali, East NC

Submitted by Clgilster on Mon, 08/12/2019 - 16:20
Submitted by NE23-54945 on Mon, 09/22/2014 - 16:47
Re.: Capitalize on what we have FIRST!!
Nice car and cute cat.
In an attempt to close the convertible top the motor died just prior to being latched. I’ve determined that a fuse isn’t the issue. So I’m assuming it’s the motor.
I’m looking for advice on other possible culprits to check before buying the motor. Also, if it is the motor I’d like to find a refurbished one from a parts/junk yard. I’m in Upstate South Carolina but am willing to make a reasonable trip to retrieve a sweet deal.