Edited on 2012-08-01 17:30:21
Edited on 2012-08-01 17:21:51
Edited on 2012-07-21 10:49:03
Edited on 2012-07-21 10:45:06
I was wondering if there is any thought of creating a new slalom layout? admittedly there arent alot of options, spaces are limited and very hard to find. Most factories and Schools are not allowing anyone on their properties due to liabilite etc. But we have had the same layout for what? 10 years or so? It works well, it is alot of fun, but maybe a change is in order? any ideas?
Dean A Cusano

Submitted by rcmaury@bellso… on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 17:10
Submitted by NE08-01695J on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 13:40
Re.: Slalom with JCNA
Edited on 2012-08-01 17:14:32
Edited on 2012-08-01 17:13:23
Edited on 2012-08-01 13:43:43
I think that the present course is very good! dont get me wrong. it works very well in a small area. it is way more challenging than it looks. and the best part is that if you are a beginner, there are so many things you learn as you move into an intermediate skill level, as the course is taken faster and faster, it opens up to new challenges and car control.
Everyone that i have shown the course and has experienced it is totally amazed at how fun it is and how it works.. it is way more thought out than just some circles and crazy eights.
The best part is when someone new shows up that has a bunch or other slalom experience and then proceeds to blow the course the first few times out and get completely lost! What i was trying to ask was, since we have been using the same exact course since the inception. I was wondering what peoples opinions are on possibly trying something else? I was not aware of the new ways that Steve Weinstein had mentioned, but i think it would be fun to experiment?
maybe after our second slalom in Hartford we will try the other configurations mentioned. see how it goes? might be fun!!
Dean A Cusano
Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 16:10
Re.: Slalom with JCNA
Dear All
This course layout was designed originally by a basic pro autocross man..his name is John Haftner, John I believe is still a record holder @ Knox Mountain in Canada..The course is designed to warm the tyres and the driver gradually with the HOUR GLASS being first,the FIGURE EIGHT second in prep ready for the final fastest FULL OVAL . It was used as the National Solo Championship Course for 1990 in Canada... The course was then down sized to enable fitting into some parking lots available in North America. The course is not a real brain buster and most people can achieve a decent representation of their and their cars ability to navigate this course... it is widely known to be a Technical course, and require concentration and practice to attain Championship times...
A slalom school is now an item that is contained in the rules, this way a group may hold a school in the AM , have a lunch and then do their legit timed runs after lunch... when we run our schools, the timers are not enabled. We do however allow persons who wish to leave for a perhaps long journey back home special treatment / dispensation to enhance their journey.
Basically this course is a piece ,in fact the founding piece of JCNA Slalom History. I was actually present at the 1st running in Vancouver, my car in the paint shop at the time I was unable to run, so I watched.........Only three persons ran in this inaugural slalom in all of North America... Ava Wong ,XJ6, John Morse, Modified E Type, and Jerry Parkhill in their 420 G.. Three Champions...LOL.. Jerry had been the big campaigner for the slalom discipline in JCNA. Jim Brown from the Seattle Group was another activist for fun.
The course as it now stands shows baselines for all categories with which to judge their performances, this is a piece of History , and apart from breaking the occasional record, I believe this is the only part we should destroy. Only one car has broken 38 seconds, who will break through to the 36 ..this may take awhile. LOL...
This fast growing discipline does however need, as does the Concours, revisions to its rules to enable and stimulate perhaps even more growth...I remain as ever hopefully going in the correct direction. Regards, Art Dickenson, Pres. Pacific Jaguar Enthusiast's Group # 44 in Pitt Meadows, BC.Canada.
Submitted by NE08-01695J on Mon, 07/23/2012 - 16:15
Re.: Slalom with JCNA
Edited on 2012-08-01 17:23:39
Hey steve,
i kind of agree with you... it works, people have fun, and they can all do it without being totally confused.. i have to say, a few years ago, Gary Hagopian had a grand slalom course we messed with just for fun and it was awesome!! but it required a much larger area, and we all know that the clubs are having problems finding lots as it is!!
Dean A Cusano
Submitted by NE52-32043 on Mon, 07/23/2012 - 16:05
Re.: Slalom with JCNA
This issue was discussed at some length several years ago. Two alternatives were discussed. One involved changing the order of the segments in the slalom. The other involved a course that could best be described as a "giant slalom." Each had its problems, and the decision was made to leave things as they were.
First, the giant slalom presented several problems. From its name, you get the point -- it's a bigger course than our normal slalom, thus needing more open space. With the problems most clubs have finding suitable space, requiring a larger venue didn't make sense.
Second, we considered changing the order of the runs, mainly to equalize left and right and turns. The current course has mostly right turns. The idea that was floated broke things up into a different sequence, run on our standard course. It was suggested like this:
Start. 1st half of dog bone (bow tie), around the far end, then across the middle, around the near end, then straight up between the cones and around the far end, then across the middle, around the near end, straight up between the cones, around the far end, then the second part of the dog bone, around the near end and finish.
Another alternative was Start, 1st half of dog bone, around far end, across the middle, around the near end, then second half of dog bone, around the far end, across the middle, around the near end, and then the oval.
The feeling was that we have enough trouble explaining the course without mixing it all up. Several of us tried running the alternative routes, and they were both confusing. Not that we couldn't learn them -- the second version is fairly easy.
But it was felt we should leave well enough alone. The program is running well, keeps growing, and no one seems to complain much. So if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Steve Weinstein
JCNA Slalom Chairman
Submitted by rcmaury@bellso… on Sun, 07/22/2012 - 18:07
Re.: Slalom with JCNA
Edited on 2012-07-22 18:08:49
We had discussed a new layout in the past. Even running the existing one in the other direction. Because of the small footprint, this layout seems to be easier to find a place for. At the last discussion, it was tabled and left as it is. Any new ideas can be submitted to the slalom committee though. Looks like from your latest time, you have the old course mastered. That time in an XJS first time out is great. I will have to try harder to stay competitive. Hopefully we can go head to head next year at the Richmond Challenge Championship (different classes though).
Submitted by NE08-01695J on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 11:34
Slalom with JCNA
Thanks George, its a new car to me and alot to sort out, but it is working well and it is alot of fun. im in some very tough company! i appreciate it.
Dean Cusano
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 11:31
Slalom with JCNA
Dean congrats on your rec. time. As far as your idea goes I think the Slalom comm. has a lot of infor and history. I think you will have to talk to them sooner or later so I would start sooner!
It is a challenging course. My first time, I got lost the first three attempts and had to have someone ride with me to show me the course. Takes a while until it comes natural then time to work on speed. If another course is proposed, it might be nice to have it either a starter course or an advanced course and have both available depending on the space available or the clubs desires.