64 e-type Are the rear ends painted the same color as the car originally? I just removed mine and it looks like it might have had paint either red or orange or it could be my imagination and rust. I want to paint it before it goes back together should I? and what color. I added a picture is that OK here. I like pictures and have lots of the old rusty oily before fixes.

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 12:32
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 08:02
Re.: Rear differential color
Michael is exactly correct--the castings were painted Red Glyptal prior to machining. It serves several functions of which only one was protection on the exterior of the unit.. George Camp
Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Sun, 01/13/2008 - 22:28
Re.: Rear differential color
I believe the correct color is Glyptal red, which is a red primer often used on porous castings. You can get it from Eastwood:
Submitted by robinsgj@westm… on Sun, 01/13/2008 - 22:11
Re.: Rear differential color
Vin I cleaned a corner of mine [still on car]. It looks to be a dark red/orange perhaps a little darker than Patrick's.That could be due to age or staining or a different batch of paint since we don't know how fussy the factory was. With all of the work he has put in I would trust his research.
Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sun, 01/13/2008 - 15:18
Re.: Rear differential color
Vin, the colour of these items was a "red lead" a popular undercoat/Primer used on many British cars, IT IS NOT ORANGE/ It is a darkish red that has faded over the years. I'm sure you will find it by googling! Jaguar affectionado and etc.
Submitted by vinvstrom@sbcg… on Sun, 01/13/2008 - 02:31
Re.: Rear differential color
Excellent reading on your restore job. I'll be going for something between what it is now and yours for now. I'll risk sounding foolish but by orange would orange rustolium be OK. I also added a picture of the inside showing the red original color. Can you tell if its signal red like you used or other red. Its green painted now and has been since I got it in 85. My guess it was green for some time before that likely due to the Cheap fadeing red you decribed so well. Thank you this is fun
Submitted by SC38-21185J on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 16:30
Re.: Rear differential color
Edited on 2008-01-12 16:32:21
I painted mine orange; the cover is black.
For a picture, go to my site and scroll down about halfway:
Patrick McLoad
JC Houston
I am not sure where I came up with the burnt orange color, more than likely that was the color I found on my differential when I took it apart.
I do not know whether or not Glyptal was used by the Jaguar factory. I respect George Camps opinion and expertise though.