I have a 1998 VDP with a rear view mirror issue. The mirror will not stay on the windshield as it should. Every time I make a manual adjustment it falls from the windshield and is left dangling from the electrical wire connected to the mirror. Did the factory use glue to keep the rear view mirror in place and if so what is the recommended type of glue and where can I buy it? If the factory did not use glue to keep it in place then how is it kept from falling upon adjustment? I have a similar problem with the rear brake light that mounts to the rear window. Just as a foot note, my local Jaguar Dealer will not assist me as they say my 1998 model year is too old for them to want to work on - they will not work on any Jaguar over 10 years old. Please accept my sincere appreciation for any assistance you can offer along the way of advice/counsel in the pursuit of this issue.
Thank You