Below is a picture of an assembly of a metal bracket and plastic clip which I acquired from a "boxed" group of parts from a 17,000 mile 1974 E-type. These parts are not shown in the parts books. The bracket must mount somewhere in the valley of the V12. The clip has 6 keepers, numbered 1 to 6, for what seems to be for spark-plug wires.
-Does anyone know where the bracket mounts?
-Should there be 1 or 2 of these on the V12?
-If only 1 is used, which 6 wires attach to it?
p.s. The box of parts included over 100 individual emissions parts from the engine: air pump & mounting hardware, original belt, 2 air rails(like brand new!), all pipes and misc plumbing, clips, all original vac hoses w/yellow bands, tees, check valve/tee assy, original ribbed(colored striped) hoses, stainless carb preheaters & air cleaner pieces, Opus amp & pickup, etc, etc. If there's any interest, I can upload some detailed pictures of the items to the site for your future reference. (I have a new camera with excellent macro capability)

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 09/02/2003 - 18:37
Submitted by on Mon, 09/01/2003 - 21:01
Re.: SIII V12 mystery part....please help
So are they definitely "not" used on the E-type V12's?
If so, it looks like it got tossed in the box with the other items I received.
Thanks for the info,
p.s. I read the Series 2 Judges Guide this morning. I see you contribted to it. Nicely done. Is there a plan to do this for the Series 3?
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 09/01/2003 - 16:24
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 09/01/2003 - 16:23
Re.: SIII V12 mystery part....please help
Those were used on XJ6 SIII part number C33460 for the keeper and C41029 looks to be the metal part.
George Camp
Submitted by on Mon, 09/01/2003 - 10:44
Re.: SIII V12 mystery part....please help
Hi Pascal,
What you're saying makes sense, but actually there are 2 round white plastic 3-place keepers that come off the distributor as well. These are shown in the parts book, and I've seen them on many V12's. I now have them on ours.
...So several years ago when buying new parts from BA USA, Tom G. handed me a new black plastic keeper as shown(I forget the part#) and said, "I know it's for the E-type V12, but I don't know where it goes." Since I got the parts as pictured, it's the first time I saw the bracket it attaches to.
At the JANE concours, before my box of parts arrived, there was a very original '74 with only about 20k miles that was in the Preservation class. I'll try to get the owners name and drop him a note. I spent lots of time looking at the car but didn't notice that part. One other possibility is that it may used for vacuum hoses.
Hopefully someone can figure it out.
Submitted by on Mon, 09/01/2003 - 09:30
Re.: SIII V12 mystery part....please help
never seen that one before... I don't see how a 6 wire holder would do any good with the distributor in the midle. you never have 6 wires routed together at any time. unless maybe you route them all to the back of the vee then split them on each side going forward?
Pascal Gademer
South Florida Jaguar Club
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKR Coupe
99 XJR
I've never seen them-------but more importantly I do not show any ref. to them in RTC9014 or RTC9015.
George Camp