First of all and as it's my first time here... Hello everybody!
I'm living far away, in Belgium (Europe), so we haven't many chance to meet, but who knows?
I do hope some of you will take a few time to help me, looking in their memory or in old photo albums.
What about? Eventer, you know, the XJS modified by this english coachbuilder, Lynx, in shooting brake/wagon/hatchback. But why do I cross the Ocean to ask you?
Amongst others old english cars, I do own an Eventer. 67 have been build and I own the 41th. I personnaly know (or know peoples who knows personnaly one) about ten of them. Well it's about 15% of the entire production. Not bad I think! So, I've started to register them and I'm mostly using the web to spot them and to identify them. Today, I've indentified 32 Eventer, almost 50% of the entire production and most of them seems to be still alive (even if some are in poor condition as they are prone to rust)
Well, looking at an old post on the Jag Lovers Forum (http://forums.jag-lovers.org/avsn.php?252798n86) dated sept 1999, I've seen an Eventer had been watched at the JANE mid-august concourse this year. I don't even know if it was just parked or if it was exposed.
Could anyone of you help me to find info's and pictures of this car and maybe to join it's owner? Also somes of you may know or have heard about others Eventer in the US. So if you have any info's, please contact me...
Regards, Pascal

Submitted by pascal.mathieu… on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 05:56
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 15:37
XJS Eventer by Lynx
I've edited the photo...
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 15:35
XJS Eventer by Lynx
I've edited the photo...
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 15:32
XJS Eventer by Lynx
I've edited the photo...
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 15:21
XJS Eventer by Lynx
I've edited the photo...
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 15:16
XJS Eventer by Lynx
I've edited the photo...
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 14:58
XJS Eventer by Lynx
Hi Pascal;
Probably NOT a good idea to post with the plate number. Can you edit the photo? If not, I can do it.
And, I WILL look for the fellow next month...
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by pascal.mathieu… on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 12:06
XJS Eventer by Lynx
Waouw, you're fast!
@Michel and Donald,
Thanks you for interest and fast reply.
That's the one I'm looking for! There's no doubt as it wear the chromed fender trim announced.
Could a car and his owner be spoted thanks to the registration plate???
Anyway, it's still on the road and it goes to Jag events. So, if someone know the owner or met him and can let him know about me, I'll be very happy.
Regards, Pascal
Submitted by p4t@adelphia.net on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 23:12
XJS Eventer by Lynx
Hi Pascal;
Sorry I canÔÇÖt help more, but I did get this photo in 2003 of a very nice Eventer from Massachusetts at the British Invasion Show in Stowe, Vermont. If I see the fellow there in September, IÔÇÖll pass the word.
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.
Submitted by dcamburn@nc.rr.com on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 20:00
XJS Eventer by Lynx
Hello Pascal,
I have always been fascinated by the Eventer. One place I have seen information about them is the Jaguar World magazine (http://www.jaguar-world.com/). The August 2006 issue had an article on the Eventer and I thought there had been a few others. The classified ads section in the magazine sometimes shows Eventers for sale. Good luck.
Don Camburn
1993 XJR-S
Submitted by michel@dinomar… on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 17:04
XJS Eventer by Lynx
Hello Pascal
Nice hearing from Belgium, this is a nice example, first I have seen real live. I go to the car shows and will keep you informed
1962 Mark2 3.8L
1994 XJS OTS
2005 S TYPE
2006 KJ8
Edited on 2008-09-04 5:57:51
Hi everybody,
I had some friendly feedbacks from you after starting this thread last year.
I'm still looking at Eventers and to help I've dedicated a website to this special car. Sorry it's currently only in french but as soon as the french version will be completed an english version will follow.
Have a look at
Regards, Pascal