While taking a "Sunday" drive in our 1972 E type one beautiful top down August day, we decided to head to a favorite hamburger stop (sadly now closed) in Kintnersville, PA. Not wanting to leave the car in front of the restaurant where someone else could park next to it and where it would be totally out of view while eating, we headed around the side where a large open lot existed.
In the far corner parked under a tree was a Porsche 911, the only car in the lot. A perfect and secure place where we could keep an eye on our car while having lunch on an open patio. If the Porsche was safe then the Jaguar would also be safe. The top was put up, the windows closed and doors locked. Satisfied, we walked across the lot.
No sooner had we reached the other side, when a van pulled in and a family emerged with two young teenage boys. The youngsters immediately headed towards my car. Great, now I would have to wait here until they finished or attempted to touch my car at which time I would raise hell. I was a bit angry that I had to wait. I watched the boys head over and to my dismay, they went straight to the Porsche, checked it over inside and out while I looked on. After what seemed like 5 minutes of a thorough look over, they turned around and left. They never even looked at my Jaguar! Now I was angry. Not that I had to wait but they chose the Porsche over my Jaguar and never looked at my car.