I've driven my "new to me" 1953 XK120 DHC a short time, but, with the hood up, it is clear that visibility to the rear and sides is not its strong suite. In spite of the fender mounted Lucas mirrors, it looks like changing lanes on the freeway requires an act of faith and backing up into any kind a tight space requires two people at least.
I wondered anyone had fitted back up or side view cameras to their XK120 in such a manner as to improve the viability without running the car's looks or its interior. I'm not sure i want to do this, but it might be a plus if it could be done discretely.

Submitted by stevebs@earthl… on Sat, 06/13/2015 - 18:49
Try it with a FHC. I guess the answer was drive faster Than everyone else and stay ahead of them all. Alo camera systems will only work in a converted negative ground car