I would like to know why we cannot see the comments / posts of the other members on each topic thread which is on the forum as we could the old system .
I have not been able to use the new system as I could the old one which provided a topic thread with the various responses of the interested members while THIS Forum (I speak of the E-Type Forum) allows no responses from the members on each topic thread and most of the posts I submit do not appear on the forum. WHY IS THIS?
I have read the Help pages for this Forum and am unable to find any clues about how to use the forum.
I would much rather the old format than this Forum format which is poorly designed and mainly NON FUNCTIONAL!
David Potter , Ottawa Jag Club

Submitted by jason.rudd@gmail.com on Wed, 04/22/2015 - 21:15
Submitted by cf160@yahoo.com on Sat, 04/25/2015 - 18:57
In reply to This New Forum test by jason.rudd@gmail.com
This new Forum
This new forum seems to be erratic in its functioning. Sometimes the "Post new topic" button is on the page and other times it is NOT. Sometimes the "Comment" button is present and other times it is NOT.
Perhaps it takes time for the new software to work consistantly...
Submitted by DavidBarnes71@… on Tue, 04/21/2015 - 17:02
I wonder if any from JCNA has
I wonder if any from JCNA has repiled to this ? I have stopped getting e-mail alerts to posts on the forum. I cannot figure out how this new sytem can be viewed either. Seems like before implementing a major change like this we would have had some notice or an article in the magazine talking about it. This forum is one of the main reasons is worth the dues. I think the JCNA has done us a major disservise here.
David Barnes
68 E-Type FHC
Submitted by pwright1@sc.rr.com on Tue, 04/21/2015 - 16:54
web site
I have to agree. This website is absolutely sorry. I used to enjoy reading the threads and topics and now I have no clue how to even see them. Guess I'm just not saavy enough to deal with it. I don't do social media like facebook and never will which I grant you is my choice. Just don't like the whole idea. Guess I'll just stick to the Jaguar Journal for info.
Submitted by cf160@yahoo.com on Tue, 04/21/2015 - 16:05
At least NOW one may add a comment to a topic thread! I would like to see it working, but will wait a bit for it to start working..
D. Potter
Submitted by cf160@yahoo.com on Mon, 04/20/2015 - 21:04
This New Forum
Suddenly there is a way to add comments to a posting ! Well , Hallelughia! God bless the web designer for that...Maybe it was just a matter of time to work out the bugs...
Incidentally the email address for the webmaster is non functional too.
D. Potter , Ottawa Jag Club.
Submitted by jason.rudd@gmail.com on Wed, 04/22/2015 - 21:14
In reply to This New Forum by cf160@yahoo.com
Far from fixed
Well, adding comments is a start but there are a few things that still need to work the way they used to. I'd kvetched to someone on an e-mail and they said give it time, the website just went up. So I'm holding my tongue for a little longer before I post a note about requested fixes :) Mostly I'm just replying here just to see if it still works. Also - I hit REPLY to one of the replies to your comment rather than "add a comment" Trying to figure the difference.
Previoulsy I wrote by clicking "reply"
Now I'm trying to add a comment by "Add new comment" trying to figure out the difference....