About two years ago I bought my boysÔÇÖdream, a Jaguar E-type. I bought it through a guy in Miami, he bought it from a second hand car dealer from Gettysburg. Shipped it to the Netherlands, where I live, and started my job in the summer of 2006.
Obviously a project car, but nevertheless! As we speak, IÔÇÖm in the middle of the project: the body is done and IÔÇÖm looking around for the paint job. If youÔÇÖre interested, check my website: www.etypejaguar42.nl .
But now for my question: naturally IÔÇÖm very much interested in the specific history of my car. From the certificate that I purchased from JDHT, I found out it was built on July 14th, 1969, and dispatched July 31th of the same year to the (then) British Leyland dealership in New York. The first owner is not known (as mentioned on the certficate). My cars VIN number is 1R42500. Now, does anyone know where to start if I want to find out the first owner, because I want to try and contact them, see if they have any pics or documents from the time they bought it. Maybe they remember who they sold it to, etc. You know what I mean, for sure.
Hope anyone can help me here!
Cheers, Chriz
Submitted by werkmakelaar@f… on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 14:41
Submitted by SE12-44804 on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 09:48
Hello Chriz from Apeldoorn:
I am Nol and i live in Zuidlaren, Drenthe.
I would like to get in contact with you to exchange information about history etc..
If you looke a little below your own message in the forum you will find out my history.
My E-mail address is : werkmakelaar
'66 FHC series 1 4.2 XKE
Greetings: Nol de Grooth