Edited on 2008-02-04 14:49:59
I'm a newbie here with many years of active automotive pursuit. I've been chasing and photographing cars for over 3 decades now.
This past weekend I was able to photograph a lovely 69 E Type recently restored by Greg Weldy. The car was spectacular and just inspiring to photograph.
I thought I would share some pictures with the community.
warm regards

Submitted by robby@dmr-arch… on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 15:12
Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 09:04
Re.: newbie with a photoshoot of a 69 E type
i like that 3rd pic !
you can only put one pic per post in the forum, but you can use the galleries and include as many pictures as you want per album. then put the link to your album here in the forum...
Submitted by karmakvisser@y… on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 14:52
Re.: newbie with a photoshoot of a 69 E type
one more. This shot reminds me of some Jaguar ads from the 70's with an E type in a field.
Submitted by karmakvisser@y… on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 14:51
Re.: newbie with a photoshoot of a 69 E type
more pictures. Is it possible to load more than one image per post?
Very nice pictures, they look of excellent quality. the car's not too bad either!!!