Hi all, I'm thinking of replacing my stock rims with larger chrome rims, but cannot seem to find any reference to replacing them on my model .That being a 92 XJ6 sovereign , does anyone know if it's possible and where to find a supplier in Canada (West coast)
My Cat came back !

Submitted by pconnor@shaw.ca on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 20:32
Submitted by jeffrey_f_hubb… on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 12:55
Apparently there aren't a lot of aftermarket wheels available for the XJ40s (I've been looking too). Your car has factory 15-inch wheels, my '94 has factory 16-inch wheels (same bolt pattern and offset). Having gone with larger wheels on my other cars (from 14" to 16" on the Miata and from 16" to 18" on the WRX) it is really easy to ruin the ride qualities and performance of the car and substantially increase the cost for the tires (bigger wheels and chrome wheels tend to be heavier). I have included pictures of three wheels available from sources I have had positive experience with. I think 17" wheels strike the right balance on the XJ40s. The "Discount Tire" site does offer a couple of 17" options, though I couldn't find any in chrome. Much larger than 17-inches and (I feel) you quickly cross into the "pimp my ride" look. Happy hunting.
1994 BRG XJ6
Many thanks Jeff, I will look into the ones you've sent pics of, I totally agree with you , I definately don't want to go "overboard" with the looks nor do I want to spoil the obvious ride assets of the XJ. I'd have to see if my local wheel shop can get these in for me or I'll pay a lot in shipping I'm sure. My thought is to use the stock rims for the winter although it's not much of a winter here on the Island, but the municipality are a bit heavy handed with the salt and it's by products these days. If I get sorted out I'll post some pics , thanks again.
Paul. My Cat came back !