Hello everyone! I and Steve Kennedy are attempting to develop this JCNA guide but we NEED your input. This is probably the most difficult guide for all the post war models due to the complexity of the variations in production. I have been working on this for YEARS but frankly I'm getting tired of doing it all myself! Steve and I are now working together to keep each other encouraged but it is dis heartening when after repeated requests for assistance there is little response. if you want this guide to be a reality we need your input NOW. Will it be ready for next season, in a word NO but it won't be ready period if we don't get some concerted help! This is my last request if this dosen't work .. sorry folks you are on your own!
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 10:39
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/14/2018 - 17:37
In reply to New XK120 Judging Guide - PREVIEW OF FRONT COVER by Anonymous (not verified)
Jaguar XK120 Judging Guide by Robert G. Sheridan & Roger Payne
PROGRESS UPDATE: After eleven months and with much help by my co-author Roger Payne, and from JCNA peer reviewers and contributors Godfrey Miller, Steve Kennedy, Dick Cavicke, John Elmgreen, Rob Reilly, George Camp, Carl Hanson, Jim Sambold, Karl Kirkman, Michael Mueller, Rufus Coburn, Terry Sturgeonwww.jcna.com > merchandise > JCNA products. You can also obtain a 158-page softcover Jaguar XK120 Judging Guide signed by the author at www.xk120judgingguide.com. Lastly, you can obtain the author's 294-page hardcover with dust-jacket Jaguar XK120 Authenticity Reference Guide (All Models) at www.jcna.com > merchandise > jaguar books OR obtain a copy signed by the author at www.xk120authenticityguide.com. - Bob Sheridan
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 10:31
New JCNA XK120 Judging Guide is Coming Soon
I have taken over the daunting task of authoring a new JCNA XK120 JUDGING GUIDE. I began writing it on April 18, 2017, and will have a FIRST CUT DRAFT for peer review by the end of May. I will be sending copies of the FIRST CUT DRAFT to various JCNA & JCRC board members, and others for comments. I am confident that there will be an approved, official JCNA XK120 Judging Guide available for the 2018 Concours season. Bob Sheridan - La Verne, CA - member of JOC Los Angeles. Contact: bob5837@roadrunner.com
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 08/08/2014 - 14:25
Perhaps you all have forgotten that there is a Technical Seminar done by Karen Miller et. al. and was updated 3 times. The latest was in 2000. The TS is a mandatory part of the judges kit and is extremely helpful. While it can be improved and arranged more toward judging it is not like JCNA has nothing. There are also TS for the 140 and the 150 which are part of the judging kit. AQll are in the shoppe. Perhaps the reason they are less well known is they are not a FREE download. The estates of the author/s gave the rights to JCNA but stipulated they may not be put in electronic form or media--sorry but them is the rules.
Submitted by SE12-52152J on Fri, 08/08/2014 - 11:28
I've been watching this thread with some interest because I'm surprised that a judging guide for XK-120 doesn't already exist. How are cars currently judged? How can they possibly be judged consistently (nationwide - certainly within a region you could probably get reasonable consistency) without a guide such as this in place?
I did look through the draft, but really have no special insights to offer, as I'm still relatively new to the 120 "world". I did see something about windshield posts being straight on early cars, but curved on later cars. This appeared to be accompanied by a photo of a car with chrome parking light nacelles (early car, yes?) and what appeared to be "later" curved windshield posts. Fair assessment or would there have been crossover between the two features?
{p.s. - Steve - my Dad gave me a copy of your book "Jaguar the Classic Marque", (but no slipcase or CDs) which was signed from the 2002 (or 3??) AGM. Great book - and maybe that's where I saw the pic described above..... Thanks.}
Submitted by SW07-04436J on Sat, 08/02/2014 - 12:27
Thank you for your interest.
Please go to jcna.com
click on concours
scroll down past the Protest reports to the Judging Guide section
There you will see the XK 120 Judging Guide - Draft
Click on that link, it will take you to the guide.
With all the input I hope to receive, do press F5 each time you go to look at the 120 guide to see the latest, if any, updates.
There are lots of pictures that need improvement and lots of detail shots that I am missing.
This guide is laid out to follow the score sheet. If the scoresheet calls for it, it is addressed in the guide, even if it is just to say "Arm Rests", "The XK 120 is not fitted with are rests"
When you see a heading like Bright Work, I need help knowing what all the bright work is that needs to be judged, and photos to go with it.
When items, like seat backs, are different for each model, OTS, FHC, DHC, I need photos of all three styles of seats, lean the one closest to you forward for the shot.
We will all go through a lot of learning as this guide develops.
If you have other models of Jaguars that you believe will be good for that guide, like Series 1 E, do send those photos. For right now, I am just going to collect those photos. Once the 120 guide is done and we have gone through all those learning curves, I will bring the other guides on-line.
Steve Kennedy
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Sat, 08/02/2014 - 11:54
My personal knowledge of the older models is nil.
I have unlimited access to an early 120...an alloy body car, in fact....but I really don't know how correct/authentic it is. Within the next 2-3 weeks I'll be bringing it into the shop for servicing and I'll take as many pics as you want of anything you want....but that obviously won't help much without knowing with certainly if what I'm photographing is correct/authentic.
Submitted by artrageus@shaw.ca on Sat, 08/02/2014 - 10:37
Hello Doug! here's the thing in order to provide accurate information that is easily accessible for the judges, we need clear detail photographs,of known original cars. thus far most of the photos have been of vehicles which exhibit so many 'non original' components that the overall image will inevitably lead to "well that is the way the car in the photo is ..therefore it is correct " syndrome We have suffered this for far too long. Accuracy in these images in toto is critical! As I am sure you are aware the ability to present multiple images of the changes in judged items with an aproximate time frame for each is also necessary This is particularly difficult as so many vehicles have been restored without attention to this level of detail..the "well it fits doesn't it" issue or the" I can't get the correct one and no-one will notice anyway" issue Which for the most part is probably correct but it doesn't excuse the inaccuracy. The agreement I made with Dick Cavicke is that ALL items included in the guide must be able to be cross checked with FACTORY information. This is crucial, otherwise the guide isn't worth the paper it is printed on! Given all the above we will welcome your support and input with open arms! Thank you
Submitted by Newdl@aol.com on Tue, 05/24/2016 - 12:09
In reply to XK120 JUDGING GUIDE by artrageus@shaw.ca
Is this still in process?
Is a XK120 Judging Guide still in the cards? I notice the draft is no longer listed with the other guides. Can I offer assistance and/or at a minimum see where the guide stands today?
Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Sat, 08/02/2014 - 09:11
Godfrey, can you be a bit more specific as to what kind of input, assistance, and concerted help you need?
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/14/2018 - 18:05
Jaguar XK120 JCNA Concours Judging Guide - available from JCNA
Here is a picture of the Jaguar XK120 JCNA Concours Judging Guide "Cover"

Here is a "sample" front cover