Edited on 2006-02-05 6:04:04
Hallo I am Peter Gloeckner from Germany. Sorry my English is not perfect. I am owner from an E Type S II 1969. The fist owner was am men in Long Island. His Name was David Fleisher, 22 W Columbia St. in Hempstead NY. The Adress was from 1969 I fund the adress in an letter new york state certificate of registration. Can jou help me to found Mr. Fleisher or the dealer hu sell the car? Please send me an answer. bye bye Peter Ps. Hu can speak german?

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 15:19
Submitted by NE08-63766 on Sun, 02/05/2006 - 16:51
Re.: A new Jag and USA fan from Germany
Go to the link listed below & print the form. Fill in all the information as best to your knowledge. Mail it to the address listed along with payment & you will receive a certificate with all the info. as to when & how the car left the factory also its destination.
Regards, Otto Mueller
-58 XK-150fhc, S-834292DN
Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Sun, 02/05/2006 - 13:29
Re.: A new Jag and USA fan from Germany
Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca
Congratulations on owning such a famous car,if no one is able to help you may try Jag Lovers, also you could contact the Jag/Daimler Heritage, thay will be able to help for sure,
Good Luck, Art
Check out ----> xkedata.com to search or register.
Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S