Hello, IÆm sorry to intrude, but I need some assistance identifying some Jag parts. I know very little about these cars, and in fact I donÆt even know if I am in the right place. I specialize in GM stuff, and found these parts in my friendÆs basement. He passed away late last summer, leaving his wife with his entire swap collection of parts behind, and a few bills as well.
I have been helping here all winter clearing out his supply of Chevy parts; most of them 1955 threw 1957. Luckily I have been able to find new homes for most of the parts, leaving me with a few odds and ends along with these parts that I cannot identify and thus that is why I am here.
HereÆs what I found and know. I found two boxes one long one marked ôJagö and the other marked ôJag Rear.ö The Jag rear box was actually a white Wildwood box marked on the side with a partial part number of 120 105. On the top of the box my friend had taped a card from Kugel Komponents and wrote ôJag XKE front Upper and Lower A Arm Bushingsö and ôJag Rear outer Hub and Control Arm Bushingsö
Inside the box I found two caliper type mounting plates with a note attached ôJFZ or Wilwood Calipers to Jag Spindlesö along with some wired looking chrome part, a lot of plastic bushings and several metal sleeves.
The other box had no other markings that I could read and inside I found two axles. They appear to be the same and they each have the following letters on one side:
They are about 32 inches long and I think they are 24 spine.
What I would like to know are the exact years and applications these parts fit along with the exact part names and a listing of what should be in each bushing kit. I have already checked both WildwoodÆs and KugelÆs websites and they do not have Jag listed as one of the cars they supplier parts for. Thanks in advance, or for taking up some of your board space.

Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Wed, 05/25/2005 - 05:48
Submitted by tubwhatif@aol.com on Wed, 05/25/2005 - 04:13
Need Lots of help!!!!!
I'am trying to get my 1968 FHC 2+2 started, changed rotor, cap points and coil, now it won't start,my guess is shorting out somewhere or fuel blockage, firing order is 153624 according to the books but am not getting any fuel to some of the plugs mainly # 1. Any help would be appreciated
First off, a new topic should start a new thread, not polite to intrude on someone elses question.
First poster:
The bars are torsion bars which would fit a series 1 or 2 E-Type. They look to be slightly uprated, but it's hard to tell from a photo. You would have to measure the diameter of the smooth part: stock strength is .780". The odd shaped brackets are designed to allow Wilwood brake calipers monunt to Series 1 E-Type front spindles. The round thing appears to be a chromed differential flange, same car. The bushings are probably a polyurethane bushing set for the same car, sounds like only the inner and outer bushings. You would have to supply photos of everything for me to say wheter it's complete. Sorry I didn't see your post when it originally went up.
Second poster:
Please restart this as a fresh thread. Since you were playing with the distributor, I'm going to take a wild guess that you've messed up your ignition. But to take it from the steps, you can eliminate fuel by removing the air horn and putting a tablespoon of gas in the throat of each carb. If the car starts, then fuel is the culprit. Back to your ignition, most likely problem is that the points are misadjusted or shorted out, check over your work.