Hi to all
Nice, that we have such a forum like this. So, I get a little bit a tricky question.
This is mine:
- chassis no. 1E 77452 BW
- date of manifacture: 19.4.1967
- I have the serie II (or 1.5) headlamps
- the serie I switches inside
- hazard lights
- 3 carburettor
- etc
Is it possible, that I have, with this chassisnumber, the open headlamps etc, means all the "symptome" from the series 1.5???
Appreciate your help

Submitted by schaeffler@mac.com on Fri, 10/15/2004 - 14:56
Submitted by NC19-03320J on Thu, 10/14/2004 - 09:18
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
Scott, Thanks for the kind words! It bothers both myself and Stew Cleave, who did the S2 guide, to think that the guides are not being used by some judges, especially as it was voted at two AGM's that these guides were the standard for the two classes. I guess progress takes time!
Bob on a rainy day in Michigan
Submitted by douplayalong@y… on Thu, 10/14/2004 - 08:08
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
I am happy to say I use your guide that you made for S1 all the time but I think some judges think they know it all and I have had to refer to the guide to prove them wrong. Thanks for all your hard work on both of them!
-Scott Fitzgerald-
88 XJS Coupe
Submitted by NC19-03320J on Wed, 10/13/2004 - 17:08
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
I do not understand why any judge would have a problem with when the headlight covers were deleted as the information has been available ,from official Jaguar records, from JCNA since the 1994 AGM, not to mention the S1 judging guide that has been available on this web site for several years. It will be very discouraging to find that after all of the time and travel that went into developing the S1 & S2 E-Type guides, they aren't being used!!!
Bob Jag of Mi.
Submitted by mattsell@rmci.net on Wed, 10/13/2004 - 14:32
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
I have a 1967 roadster which was built in early 1967 and has all the series I features except without the closed headlights. I bought it from the original owner's widow and unfortunately she does not remember too much regarding any modifications he may have done to the car.
At the recent Jaguar Western States Meet, one of the Concours judges had a thought regarding the open headlights on my car being present on an early 1967. He wondered if the car had suffered front end damage and the Jaguar dealer/bodyshop just put a "series 1.5" front end on it with the open headlights....The original owner of course denies that any damage/ accident occured but when I look carefully at the paint within the bonnet and on the various struts and metal parts it would sure look like the front end had been replaced or repaired. Items which should be body colored are instead black.
The judge thought that if the front was replaced, the bodyshop would use a newer bonnet rather than the original covered headlight one.
Matt Sell
1967 XKE Roadster
Submitted by jscassano@aol.com on Wed, 10/13/2004 - 12:45
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
The Series 2 E's did not have knock-off hubs on their wire wheels, but a hub without "ears" giving an entirely different appearance. They also had two electric fans instead of one fan which the E had since its launch. Both these features were made standard with the 1968 year car as well. My 1967 still had the knock-off hubs on the wire wheels, but had two electric fans in addition to the uncovered headlights. I was the second owner, buying it in 1968 from the original owner who, believe it or not, was a minister (I guess the congregation didn't appreciate it, although he indicated he bought the car with his own money). I sold the car in 1973 an unfortately did not keep a record of the chassis number.
Submitted by schaeffler@mac.com on Wed, 10/13/2004 - 12:13
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
Hi Jim
"...but it was a 1967 FHC with knock-offs, toggle switches, etc. but not the covered headlights. The other change it had that other Series 1 cars did not have was a change to dual electric fans.
What do you mean with "knock-offs" and "change to dual electric fans" exactly?
You don't remember the chassisnumber and/or the manifacterer date?
see you on the road again
Submitted by jscassano@aol.com on Wed, 10/13/2004 - 09:54
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
I owned a car similar to your some years ago -- I don't know the chassis number but it was a 1967 FHC with knock-offs, toggle switches, etc. but not the covered headlights. The other change it had that other Series 1 cars did not have was a change to dual electric fans.
Submitted by NC19-03320J on Tue, 10/12/2004 - 19:47
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
Hi Daniel,
Sorry for any confusion that I may have caused with the serial number as on my reprint of the Jaguar Interim Parts list it's hard to tell if it's a 0 or 9. ALL of the changes that we associate with the S1.5 cars, emmissions, safety, etc took place at the SAME time, except the deletion of the covered headlights, flat hub wheels and silver cylinder head color which took place on the late S1 cars. Concerning authenticity, unless Porter etc quotes the Jaguar sourse for the numbers that he lists, by JCNA Concours rules they are next to useless to prove what is correct on your car.
Submitted by schaeffler@mac.com on Tue, 10/12/2004 - 17:31
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
Hello Bob and Steve
Thanks for your replay. I know, there was no date-cut between the official serie 1 and series 1.5. The official statement say's, that after 9/1967 and, for 2+2, after chassisnumber 1E 77709 (Original Jaguar E-Type, The restorers Guide, Philip Porter), the "open" headlight and some other modoiication, where common.
What I would like to know, is my car, with the optical series 1.5 mods, with the chassis no. 1E 77452 BW and the date of manifacture: 19.4.1967 an original (series 1) one or has there been some "upgrades" to the higher series (1.5).
Perhaps, there are some other owners in this forum, which have smaller chassinumbers then 1E 77709 (2+2) and can tell me, how there cars looks (pictures via eMail are welcome ;-)).
It is an endless story ;-)))
see you on the road again
Submitted by NE52-32043 on Tue, 10/12/2004 - 14:19
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
This is one of those issues that Jag-lovers love to debate about. Technically, there is no such thing as a Ser. 1 1/2 car. Jaguar never officially designated any cars as Ser. 1 1/2. Rather, this is something that Jag afficienados over the years have taken to calling the Ser. I cars after Jaguar opened up the headlights and started changing things in the interior to comply with federal safety standards.
Jaguar didn't make changes to these cars in one fell swoop. Things changed gradually. If you look at the parts manuals or authentisity guides, you'll see that different parts changed at different times. So there is no hard and fast date or Serial number at which it changes from Ser. I to 1 1/2.
Meanwhile, really nice car. Love the color. ;-) I had a '72 coupe that looked exactly like that (well, except for the bumpers, lights, tail lights, wheels, etc.).
Submitted by NC19-03320J on Tue, 10/12/2004 - 14:17
Re.: E-Type Series 1 and 1.5 confusion
The Jaguar Intermin Parts List for the 1968 model year cars, that most of us consider to be the so called Series 1 &1/2 cars , lists the following.
1E 15980 OTS USA
1E 16010 exported to countries other than the USA
1E 34583 FHC USA
1E 34752 exported to countries other than the USA
1E 77789 2+2 for the USA and cars exported to countries other than the USA.
Bob Jag of Mi.
Hello to All
I just got the history of my car back to 28.6.1974. Since then, my E-Type was always the same (open head lamps, the older swithces inside, same color etc). But he was imported from ??? (I'm searching for...)
Since the car is in switzerland, the car has 2 or 3 owners before. Perhaps more infos later. Thanks for all your infos.
see you on the road again