About to start a full frame-off on a 1960 MkIX. I'd love to have one of the judging guides listed on the Concours page for E-types and MkII. Is there one available for a MkIX to help guide my restoration?
Submitted by SC20-30420CJ on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 20:27
Submitted by SW07-04436J on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 22:51
Judging guidelines for MkIX?
Daryl and anyone else interested,
Please send me your direct email address, and I will email you a Judges
Guide Outline, based on the scoresheet, that you can base your MK IX Judges
Guide on. Please remember, if it is not judged, it does not belong in the
judges guide.
Steve Kennedy
JCNA Rule Book Editor ( and MK IX 791640 Old English White/Red Int owner)
Submitted by darelmatthews@… on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 22:24
Judging guidelines for MkIX?
I have, which is why I marvel at the amount of work involved and the attention to detail. Kudos to the people that have done this.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 19:45
Judging guidelines for MkIX?
Darel with technical bulletins, supply bulletins, catalogs, paint chip books, etc and so on. It is a lot of work but if you do a guide it needs to cover all cars in that range--have you looked at the guides we have?>
Submitted by darelmatthews@… on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 19:18
Judging guidelines for MkIX?
That sounds like a lot of fun actually, but how would you even go about doing that?
Or does that mean my car would automatically get 100 points at every concours since I wrote the book? :)
But seriously, without some sort of a benchmark car, how can any information contained in a book like that, written by one person, actually be verified?
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 12:26
Judging guidelines for MkIX?
Darel JCNA offers the Service and maint. workshop book for your car in the shoppe. Further we offer a Technical book under JCNA Publications on the large saloons--full of useful information. We do not have a strict judges guide--perhaps you would like to write one during your restoration. If so the JCRC would gladly provide you with any help you might need.
Hi Steve,
I've been kicking around the idea of getting a judges guide for the series 1-3 XJ saloons started. I'd like to have one of your outlnes.
my email is jtestrake