Edited on 2011-05-10 21:10:33
Hello all,
My name is Bill.
Some of the elders in the St. Louis Chapter may recognize this car.
It still belongs to the previous owner, my father-in-law.
Since age has crept up on him, he is unable to crawl all over the car like he did when he restored it many, many years ago.
So I'm going to do what I can to help bring it back to road-worthiness.
It WAS a concours car that attended MANY Jag and British shows in the area back in the 90's.
When placed in the barn/shed it was in incredible shape BUT the storage was FAR from dry and rodent free.
We exhumed it on Mother's Day. Pic is attached.
It oozes potential, thus my joining this site.
I am a rabid car enthusiast who does all my own work but something of this caliber will be a challenge to say the least.
My most recent British car was a right hand drive Mini I sold about 4 years ago. Shortly before that was a '66 Beetle. SO many great memories.
It hasn't been pulled from the shed/barn yet.
What you see in the pictures is what it is.
Looking forward to chatting with everyone,

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 11:17
Submitted by browder@nuventrs.com on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 10:57
Re.: 1962 Mk2 awaking from a 10 year slumber.......
Art: highjacking the thread, but just FYI now tracking as in transit a good number of my parts ordered from FasterJags...what is missing so far is the aluminum radiator and the Growler air intake system. We shall see how this turns out eventually. This guy is not the greatest communicator for sure, but now Fed Ex is doing the communicating. You are right, the parts business is apparently something that he does on the side via direct sales and eBay.... main "job" is Gesault Productions, which I think is graphic design.. Found another source, v12s.com that looks pretty good, but don't know much about them either.
Have a great day...
Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 10:47
Re.: 1962 Mk2 awaking from a 10 year slumber.......
well one just left my hoist with auto on it. it now however has a Jag 4 spd in it.. the script is gone now as it made it to the paint shop right afterwards. now it has nothing on the boot lid......paint I believe is in the next few days.......should be a beauty.........
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 08:09
Re.: 1962 Mk2 awaking from a 10 year slumber.......
Art with the "automatic" script on the boot--I doubt it! LOL
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 08:09
Re.: 1962 Mk2 awaking from a 10 year slumber.......
Art with the "automatic" script on the boot--I doubt it! LOL
Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 22:31
Re.: 1962 Mk2 awaking from a 10 year slumber.......
Hi Bill,
as they say " what it is , is what it is " good luck.........they are a beauty......hope it is a manual gearbox.... Best Wishes.....
Art-I think he said it was a former show car. Doubt that would slip by.