Edited on 2011-02-27 17:51:32
Edited on 2011-02-27 17:45:45
I never thought I would be posting on a Jag forum but I do love all cars and bikes. The other day, I happened to find a Jag E-Type 3 series. I was wondering what is the worth of this vehicle as a shell. It has been in the transmission yard for a few years since the tags expired in 2008. I just did a quite look over and didn't see too much rust on the railings.
I'm going to assume the engine and the tranny is shot since it is in a yard belonging to a tranny shop.
I know this is one of the most beautiful cars in the world and I wouldn't mind getting it for the cheap as a project car. Are these finicky cars like some of the older cars? Expensive to work on? I am looking at it as a cruiser for the weekends.
How much is a shell worth in the market? The body and paint looked decent expect for the hood.

Submitted by stephenreps@ea… on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 22:10
Submitted by glynnkerr@yahoo.com on Mon, 03/07/2011 - 23:57
Re.: How much is this worth?
Edited on 2011-03-07 23:58:12
It all depends on what's missing, what needs fixing, and the condition of what's there. I picked up a '67 Srs.1 XKE a couple of months ago in need of work. It's been laid up for 11 years, and although we've got the engine to run without too much issue, there's plenty to do on the brakes and engine/transmission seals. The V12 engine is more complex, but if properly maintained they can easily go twice round the clock. Your example looks great in the photos, but I know that can be deceiving. As well as the engine and transmission, check on body and sill rust, dings, chrome trim condition and the interior. If everything needs replacing, you'd probably be better off buying a decent runner, unless you're adept at working on Jags yourself. There's one currently advertised on Cars.com for $19,000, with 71,000miles and supposedly in good all-round condition. I'd guesstimate your find at anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000 as a non-runner, depending on the condition. From the photos, I'd guess towards the upper part of that bracket.
Good luck.
Submitted by ftsha43@hotmail.com on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 17:52
Submitted by ftsha43@hotmail.com on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 17:46
Series 3 2x2 is worth between $5000. and 7000.00 a good complete car not running .It all depends on the condition.