Edited on 2011-03-04 19:20:50
A strange thing happened today on the way to the forum. I had installed braided transmission cooler lines in place of the original copper/rubber lines due to difficulty of removing original lines. I cut them out. Initially the car ran fine and the lines appeared to work fine but in the process of installing them I broke the power steering reservoir and had to replace it. I did manage to spill a lot of power steering fluid all over the place though.
When I went to start(wouldn't crank but one turn)the the car this morning it wouldn't start and it seemed to be a dead battery but the battery checked ok. When I continued to try to start the car the new braided lines started to smoke in one spot where they were touching. I got out and felt them and they were both hot(one was hotter than the other) to the touch at on a spot about a foot long on the lines. The rest of the length on both was normal cool. Never had that happen before. Could be because things are saturated with power steering fluid? They were very close to the distributor and coil since I ran them on top of the engine. Do I need to rerun them.
The photo shows the lines. They are too long right now and I am taking them out Monday and cutting to proper length.

Submitted by aljaszcar@emba… on Sat, 03/05/2011 - 15:23
Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 21:45
Re.: Electrical Short? 93 Jaguar XJS 4.0L
Any chance you might have left either of the braided ground straps off? I think there is one from the engine to the frt subframe, and one from the bellhousing to the body.
Just a thought.
Submitted by aljaszcar@emba… on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 20:35
Re.: Electrical Short? 93 Jaguar XJS 4.0L
I agree George. The cooling lines were close to the plug wires. Just bought a new set of bosch spark plug wires today and will install them when they arrive.
Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 19:56
Re.: Electrical Short? 93 Jaguar XJS 4.0L
Al you think you might have poor spark wires and the turning over is sending about 30,000volts to ground?
Edited on 2011-03-05 15:32:20
This morning I re-ran the lines along the bottom of the engine as the original lines had been run. Car still wouldn't start and cooling lines shorted and the high pressure line began to leak due to inner rubber core melting. This car is sure fighting me on this problem. I cleaned up and re-ran the original spark line cables(new ones on order)) and problem cleared up. Car starts fine now. I now have to replace burnt high pressure cooling line.
One note though. I have a new oem low pressure line and have discovered that by cutting it in half I can install it without removing exhausts and power steering pump. I am going to have shop that made braided lines cut and install fittings on OEM line and will install it with new high pressure braided line.
What a trip this has been!!!!!